Downtown Businesses
are Open!
A directory of downtown businesses with their locations are shown on this map (click the image to enlarge and view a list, or view a PDF here). These businesses are fully open during construction and access is provided to easily visit them. In addition, there is ample parking on nearby streets as noted on the map.
Project Overview
The City of Kingman has a vision to revitalize the Downtown area by improving the walkability and aesthetics for residents, merchants, and visitors while maintaining the historic character of Kingman. This will translate into a safe, attractive, comfortable complete street that connects bicyclists, pedestrians, and vehicular users to several destinations along Beale Street between First Street and Sixth Street with connections to Historic Route 66 (see project area map left).
The proposed project improvements will address infrastructure gaps and deficiencies by upgrading the pedestrian environment with compliant sidewalk, ramps and driveways per Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The improvements will also include landscaping, wayfinding, street furniture and other site amenities within the existing right-of-way. All these features contribute to the project placemaking resulting in development of a downtown theme and identity.
Project Steps
The City of Kingman hired an engineering consultant (WSP) to develop the design concepts and detailed design for the proposed improvements. The project design phase was initiated in May 2020 and was completed in June 2023. The construction phase is now starting and is estimated to be completed in June 2024 (see project schedule right).
Project Status
The City of Kingman initially intended to use funds received from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for construction. This would have required the project be completed as a design, bid, build delivery. The ARPA funds were reallocated which allowed an opportunity for alternative delivery options. The project team has selected the Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) delivery method for the project. The City of Kingman has selected Banicki Construction as the CMAR and the project is moving into the construction phase and is estimated to be completed by Summer 2024.
Public Outreach
Opportunities for public comment on the proposed design concepts will be available through the website and other means.
-City Council – October 20, 2020 (
presentation PDF >>)
-Design Concept Presentation
Available for Viewing >>
-Stakeholder Meeting: December 9, 2020, 5:30pm
-Public Meeting: December 16, 2020, 5:30pm (
press release PDF >>)
To provide comments on the final design, please use contact form below.
Photos of Downtown Kingman
- photo by: Herberta Schroder
- photo by: Josh Noble
- photo by: Josh Noble
- photo by: Josh Noble
- photo by: Josh Noble